No maintenance issues noted by the team. The cockpit was very hot and on the last leg to Arkansas, the crew vented the cabin to try and cool down a bit. Currently 34 teams chose to stay the night in Hot Springs, Arkansas, with an additional 12 teams bedding down in Cameron, Missouri. The remaining 5 teams either chose Tuscaloosa or Waycross, primarily due to weather.
One interesting aside was that the team uses an AOPA credit card for fuel stops. Since Teresa's card showed up in three states, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama in a about 15 hours of time, the credit card company temporarily declined the account due to concerns over fraud. We took care of the problem quickly with Bank of America and assured them that the ladies are in a RACE, therefore the plane flies to many fuel stops in a short period of time. They cleared the card for the remaining trip knowing the plane and crew will be in many States. Geez - who would have thought? We have never had this issue before. Next post 0600H tomorrow with more pix along the first day of racing. Then it will be quiet for awhile. The crew will leave early from Arkansas for the longest leg to Northwest Missouri. Then assuming weather holds they should stop in Southern Illinois by around 13:30 central time. Wish 'em luck

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