Believe me folks, the team has been working diligently to try and pull Roy Clark’s 1953 Tri Pacer up to race-ready condition, but we frankly JUST RAN OUT OF TIME. With reporting day looming in Fort Meyers, Florida and some crazy hot and variable weather, it became clear by 0900H June 15th, 2010 that racing Roy Clark’s FIRST airplane was not meant to be this year.
The 1953 Piper Tri Pacer is an amazing aircraft and is a hoot to fly for fun. Even though the pilots and Wings of Hope were anxious to feature this classic aircraft with a royal legacy, the team felt that it was more important to keep our eyes on the primary mission. So with that, the team had to turn inside out, upside down, and all other forms of gymnastics to get an official plane change for the race.
Bev , Teresa, and Wings of Hope began the quest to race the OLDEST plane in the race to now one of the newest and fastest planes in the race. Keep in mind though, this air race is about EFFICIENCY not necessarily speed. Each aircraft is handicapped so that all planes, if flown carefully and at their optimum efficiency (along with a tailwind and some luck) have a chance to win each of the eight legs of the race. Ok, we’ll post more photos soon and wish the team luck.