Had a lovely dinner with Charmane Truesdell (Karan Hofmann's Mom). We had delicious crab cakes at Timbuktu, and she was such a delight!--TAC
I got a call from Ms. Truesdell (Karan's Mom) and we made plans to meet for dinner for crab cakes tonight. Yum.
I must say this has been quite an adventure! We flew without mistakes so we showed well in the standings as 16th. I continue to learn and I have dozens more ideas how to get even more performance out of that sweet "Meme" (Bev's N267ME C-182). So if I ever race again, who knows?
For those loyal readers, thank you for caring and watching our exploits. I know some of my posts have been cryptic, but I tried to be prompt. And between all the duties of ground crew & bio functions I was proud to give you blow by blow bits of our adventure as they happened. --TAC
The drive to BWI wasn't too bad. I dropped Bev off at the airport so she can catch her flight out to Chicago to celebrate her Mom's birthday. I'll pick her up tomorrow.
I'm out cruising around scoping out the Baltimore area. --TAC