When we got back to the hotel the power was out but they were serving roasted chicken, potatoes, corn, salad, and rolls. Free! Plus, they had beer, wine and punch. What a deal. The power and air conditioning came on after we finished dinner. The other racers' hotel power was still off when I went over there at 6:30. I'm glad we got our laundry done in the morning.
We just finished planning the first 3 legs and our strategies. There are some interesting areas we'll be crossing. What's that National Security area shaped like a D in Arkansas all about? The charts are marked with cautions about compass deviations in that area. Interesting. --TAC
Lots of planning and strategizing to get the max performance from the plane across each leg. We made a decision to ship excess weight home. Washed our clothes. Took inventory of snacks to bring. We will finish off the yummy homemade cookies that Larry made today. Created checklists including leaving the WOH materials at each stop. Now we are preparing for all day meetings. We think we may be competitive. How exciting! --TAC