Well here is a lot of fun recorded by Dan Russell off of ATC.net.
The audio file link is here and is 2 minutes long. For the first 50 seconds of the recording, you will hear race team #24 report into the tower. They will use the prescribed fly-by procedures required by all the participants of the Air Race Classic. However note, that this is a busy regional airport which is a very active suburb of Washington D.C. airspace, so there are lots of planes wanting clearance to take-off, helicopters in the pattern, and the air race crews needing a bit more room to do high-speed and low altitude tower fly-bys.
For THIS race, the FAA has assigned our crew the temporary designator (typically known as an N #) of "CLASSIC RACER 47". The crew reports in at 10 miles out at around 54 seconds into the recording. Listen carefully as Classic 47 starts their fast pass, when Teresa calls out for another plane on the ground to 'HOLD SHORT'. Apparently someone inadvertently was beginning to roll-out onto the active runway as Classic 47 was about to pass just 300 feet above at close to 170 miles per hour. There was never any danger, however this shows the potential for incursions and problems that face the racers on every leg. It is a tough business. The final transmission, you will hear Bev call as she turns off the active at marker 'Kilo'.
Thanks again to Dan and Mary Russell for this recording. The crew is very humbled to have the support of such great friends, fans, and of course, Wings of Hope and the rest of our sponsors. We'll post more updates and photos throughout the day as they come in. However the terminus activities are VERY BUSY for the next few hours, so likely photos will be in the later evening. We will continue to update the blog all weekend with any details and stats as they come in.