All the race crews are to report to Ft. Meyers by Saturday 6/19/2010. Bev and Teresa, were greeted by the race organizers and basically the planes are staged temporarily. Over the next two days, the planes will be INSPECTED by mechanics to ensure that they have not been modified in any way to seek an unfair advantage. After the inspection, the aircraft are IMPOUNDED until the morning of the race. Sometimes mechanical issues come-up with planes and need to be addressed. The next couple of days will allow the planes to get repairs if needed, be safe, race-ready and compliant with the rules.
There are many events scheduled at the beginning and the end of the race. The ladies will go speak to a Girl Scout troop on Saturday afternoon. There will be several meals, BBQ's, and rules seminars over the next few days to make sure all the teams understand the route and the timing rules.
When the race begins, each aircraft will be positioned by it's race number in groups of 4 or 5 planes. Each will take off approximately one to two minutes apart and fly their best course, speed, and altitude to take advantage of winds aloft and whatever factors best suit their aircraft to achieve MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. Slower planes can be overtaken by crews in the back as long as it is done safely. However, with 57 planes all flying the same general course, airspace will be busy especially for the first leg or two of the race. This is why Bev and Teresa have specially equipped Classic 47 with the Zaon XRX traffic avoidance monitor. This will give the team excellent electronic visibility as to where other aircraft are above, below or anywhere within a few miles around the plane.
All aircraft need not stop at all points if they can carry enough fuel for multiple legs. ALL aircraft will however need to do a low fly-by pass to record their time for each leg. It is an exciting, challenging, and FUN part of the race, as planes swoop out of the sky and buzz the field like barnstormers from another time. The race organizers have to get a special release from the FAA to allow this maneuver at each of the host airports along the race course.
So there you have it. As pictures come in, we will post them of the various activities. If you can get over to a host airport to cheer on the racers, it will be a memory you will never forget. Race starts on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010!